Improve your smile with Tooth-Colored Fillings
Dentists at TSDG provide tooth-colored fillings using a biocompatible dental composite. For large restorations, he may use an inlay or onlay. Inlays and onlays are a type of restoration that is used to repair a broken-down tooth, for large cavities or to replace an existing large filling. Inlays are designed for tooth damage affecting the indented portion of the top of the tooth and onlays are for more extensive damage.
Advantages over Amalgam Fillings
Aesthetics is the big advantage over silver amalgam fillings. Additionally, as silver does not stick to teeth, healthy tooth structure is usually removed to keep an amalgam filling in place. Composites permit your dentist to remove only the decayed area of your tooth. Unlike amalgam fillings, composite bonding expands just like your teeth and are much less likely to cause cracks in your tooth. Our doctors etches, primes and bonds the material to the tooth, increasing the strength of the tooth rather than decreasing it.
Inlays & Onlays for Large Cavities
Inlays and onlays are a type of restoration that can be used to replace an existing large filling or as a restoration of a broken-down tooth.
Our doctors use high-quality ceramic made in our own laboratory, which allows him to create beautiful tooth-colored inlays and onlays that match the color and appearance of the rest of your teeth. It creates the same translucence, color and brilliance as that of your natural, healthy teeth.
Inlays and Onlays in One Visit
Inlays and onlays can sometimes take several visits and require temporaries.
Safe Removal of Amalgam Fillings
Create a beautiful smile with the removal of your old metal fillings. We use special equipment and procedures for safe removal and replacement of your fillings by natural-looking, tooth-colored fillings.